New Race-as-Class: Aven (OSE)


Requirements: Minimum STR 9
Prime requisite: STR
Hit Dice: d6
Maximum level: 13
Armor: leather, no shields; see below
Weapons: spear; see below
Languages: Alignment, Common

Aven are anthropomorphic, sentient birds. They have two arms and two legs, either human-like, or as long claws covered by a short plumage. They have bird heads (usually eagle-, owl-, falcon-, vulture- or ibis-shaped) and large, feathered wings. (Some aven have only a pair of winged arms and a pair of legs, but those are uncommon.) Many aven are soldier or warriors, but others embrace either their faith (many revere a god-like being they call the Ancestor) or the mystic arts; a few are scouts.

Arcane Magic

Aven with a minimum INT score of 13 can, starting from the second level, cast arcane spells. See Rules of Magic for full details on arcane magic. Aven who can cast arcane spells are considered aven wizards.

Spell book: An aven wizard must carry a spell book (see Spell Books).

Magical research: An aven wizard of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to add new spells to their spell book and to research other magical effects. When an aven wizard reaches 9th level, they are also able to create magic items.

Spell casting: Once an aven wizard has a better comprehension of the mystic arts (starting from the second level), the character may memorize spells. The level progression table (below) shows both the number of spells in the aven wizard's spell book and the number they may memorize, determined by the character's experience level. Thus, a first level aven wizard has one spell in their spell book, selected by the referee (who may allow the player to choose). The list of spells available to aven wizards is provided in Magic-User Spells.

Using magic items: As spell casters, aven wizards are able to use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by arcane spell casters (e.g. magic wands).

Divine Magic

Aven with a minimum WIS score of 13 can, starting from the second level, cast divine spells. See Rules of Magic for full details on divine magic. Aven who can cast divine spells are considered aven clerics.

Holy symbol: An aven cleric must carry a holy symbol (see Adventuring Gear).

Deity disfavour: Aven clerics must be faithful to the tenets of their alignment, clergy, and religion. Those who fall from favour with their deity may incur penalties.

Magical research: An aven cleric of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to create new spells or other magical effects associated with their deity. When an aven cleric reaches 11th level, they are also able to create magic items.

Spell casting: Once an aven cleric has proven their faith (starting from the second level), the character may pray to receive spells. The power and number of spells available to an aven cleric are determined by the character's experience level. The list of spells available to aven clerics is found in Cleric Spells.

Using magic items: As spell casters, aven clerics can use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by divine spell casters (e.g. some magic staves).


Aven wizards (see above) can only use spears and staves, and can't use any armor nor shields. Likewise, aven clerics (see above) can only use blunt weapons, but can wear leather and chain armor, as well as shields. Finally, aven with a minimum STR score of 13 can use any weapon and armor. Aven who satisfy at least two of these three conditions may use the best gear allowed. Aven who satisfy neither condition can only use spears, can only wear leather armor, and can't use shields.


Aven can fly freely in open spaces, with movement rate up to 360' (120').

Fear of Closed and Small Places

Aven hate being forced into small and/or closed spaces, receiving a -2 penalty in every roll in any situations where this can happen (small rooms, narrow corridors, pit traps...). As a rule of thumb, aven are comfortable and relaxed if they can flap or spread their wings, and become tense if they have to keep their wings closed around them.

After Reaching 11th Level

An aven can build or establish a great aerie, a large stronghold in a high altitude – usually in the mountains, but some may be way up in the sky, like the floating castles of the cloud giants! After finishing the construction, 1d4+1 aven of the first level will arrive to be apprentices or followers of the character.

101d619 [0]1213141516
22,1502d619 [0]1213141516
34,3003d619 [0]1213141516
48,6004d617 [+2]1011121314
517,2005d617 [+2]1011121314
634,4006d617 [+2]1011121314
768,8007d614 [+5]89101012
8129,0008d614 [+5]89101012
9249,0009d614 [+5]89101012
10369,0009d6+1*12 [+7]678810
11489,0009d6+2*12 [+7]678810
12609,0009d6+3*12 [+7]678810
13729,0009d6+4*10 [+9]45658

* Modifiers from CON no longer apply.


Source: MTGWiki.


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